Quick Start

In this guide, we provide a very short overview of how the library may be used to achieve some common tasks.

Before you begin, you’ll need to know the Koordinates site you’re accessing (eg. labs.koordinates.com), and have a valid API token for the site, created with the scopes you need for the APIs you’re using. See Authentication for more information. You’ll also need sufficient permissions on the site to take actions (for example, creating a Layer).

First, import the Koordinates module:

>>> import koordinates

Prepare to use the library by creating a client:

>>> client = koordinates.Client('labs.koordinates.com', 'MY_API_TOKEN')

Fetch all the Layer objects via the Layers & Tables API and iterate over them:

>>> for layer in client.layers.list():
...     print(layer.id)

Fetch filtered and sorted Layer objects via the Data Catalog API and iterate over them:

>>> for layer in client.catalog.list().filter(license__type='cc')\
...                                   .filter(type='layer')\
...                                   .order_by('created_at'):
...     print(layer.title)

The results of .list() returns a Query object which is chainable. It will only make an API request once it gets iterated over or len() is called on it.

Fetch a single Layer object:

>>> # Fetch the Layer with id = 123
>>> layer = client.layers.get(123)
>>> print(layer.title)

Make use of the hierarchy of data within a single object exposed as Python class instances via the library:

>>> # Fetch the Layer with id = 123 and extract the
>>> # data.crs value
>>> layer = client.layers.get(123)
>>> print(layer.data.crs)

Create a new Layer from existing datasources:

>>> layer = koordinates.Layer()
>>> layer.title = "A Test Layer"
>>> layer.group = 999
>>> layer.data = koordinates.layers.LayerData(datasources=[123456])
>>> layer = client.layers.create(layer)
>>> print(layer.url)

Publish multiple objects of various types:

>>> # Publish a number of items, in this case the layer created above, and
>>> # a table, created in a similar way
>>> publish = koordinates.publishing.Publish()
>>> publish.add_layer_item(layer)
>>> publish.add_table_item(table)
>>> publish.strategy = publish.PUBLISH_STRATEGY_TOGETHER
>>> publish = client.publishing.create(publish)
>>> print(publish.url)

Reimport an existing Layer from its previous data sources and create a new version:

>>> # Take the layer with id=8888 and reimport it
>>> layer = client.layers.get(8888)
>>> layer = layer.start_update()

Publish a specific version of a Layer:

>>> # Fetch the version with id=9999 of the Layer
>>> # with id = 8888 and publish it
>>> layer_version = client.layers.get(8888).get_version(9999)
>>> layer_version.publish()


To create an API token, visit the ‘APIs and Web Services’ page under your user menu on the site you want a token for.

Once you have an API token, you can either pass it into the koordinates.client.Client object when you create it, or set it in the KOORDINATES_TOKEN environment variable.

# Pass token explicitly
client = koordinates.Client(host='labs.koordinates.com', token='abcdef1234567890abcdef')

# Token from environment variable KOORDINATES_TOKEN
client = koordinates.Client(host='labs.koordinates.com')

Tokens are specific to a Koordinates site. For example, a token created for labs.koordinates.com wouldn’t be valid for another site, such as koordinates.com.

Tokens need to be created with scopes appropriate for the APIs you are utilising. For example, to query Sets you need a token with the sets:read scope, and to create or update a Set you need a token with the sets:write scope.

If a required scope isn’t associated with the token, you will receive an koordinates.exceptions.InvalidTokenScope exception.

In addition to the scopes, the user or group owner of the token needs appropriate permissions for the actions they’re attempting to take - for example, viewing a particular Set.

If required permissions aren’t present, you will receive a koordinates.exceptions.Forbidden exception.


The library handles pagination of the results of .list() and related methods. These methods all act as generators and transparently fetch subsequent pages of results from the APIs in the background during iteration.

Limiting Results

Limiting the results of .list() and related methods is available via the python slicing syntax. Only the [:N] slicing style is supported. For example:

# Limit to a maximum of three results
for layer in client.layers.list()[:3]:

Counting Results

In order to count the results of a query or list, use len(). For example:


This will perform a HEAD request unless a request has already been made (via a previous call to len() or iteration over the results), in which case the previous cached value will be returned.

Result Expansion

To prevent additional API requests, you can get the API to expand some relations and levels of detail in responses.

Not all properties or relations can be expanded. Refer to the Koordinates API documentation for details.

Important: Using expansions may have significant performance implications for some API requests.

To expand results in a list request:

for object in client.catalog.list().expand():
    # object will be a detailed model instance with
    # a full set of attributes

To expand an attribute in a get request:

set = client.sets.get(id=123, expand='items')
# the following get_items() call will use the .expand() results
# instead of making an additional request.
print(set, len(set.get_items()))