Koordinates Python API Client

Release v0.4.1.

A BSD-licensed Python client library for a number of Koordinates web APIs.

The library provides easy access to Koordinates web services, particularly the Publisher Admin APIs.:

import koordinates

client = koordinates.Client(host='labs.koordinates.com', token='MY_API_TOKEN')

# print the 10 most recently created layers
for layer in client.layers.order_by('created_at')[:10]:


The library aims to reflect the available Koordinates web APIs. Currently the following APIs have support in the library:

We’re working hard to add support for additional APIs to the library, so expect this list to grow soon.


  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3.3+


Please report bugs as Github issues, or see Contributing if you wish to suggest an improvement or make a change. For general technical support for the APIs and library, please contact us via help.koordinates.com.