
Related to the Exports API

class koordinates.exports.ExportManager(client)

Accessor for querying and creating Exports.

Access via the exports property of a koordinates.client.Client instance.


Create and start processing a new Export.


export (Export) – The Export to create.

Return type


property croplayers

Returns a manager for querying and listing CropLayer models

Return type


expand(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an expanded Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().expand(). Using expansions may have significant performance implications for some API requests. See koordinates.base.Query.expand().

filter(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a filtered Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().filter(...). See koordinates.base.Query.filter().

get(id, expand=[])

Fetches a Model instance determined by the value of id.


id – numeric ID for the Model.


Returns a dictionary of format options keyed by data kind.

    "vector": {
        "application/x-ogc-gpkg": "GeoPackage",
        "application/x-zipped-shp": "Shapefile",
    "table": {
        "text/csv": "CSV (text/csv)",
        "application/x-ogc-gpkg": "GeoPackage",
    "raster": {
        "image/jpeg": "JPEG",
        "image/jp2": "JPEG2000",
    "grid": {
        "application/x-ogc-aaigrid": "ASCII Grid",
        "image/tiff;subtype=geotiff": "GeoTIFF",
    "rat": {
        "application/x-erdas-hfa": "ERDAS Imagine",
Return type



Fetches a set of model objects

Return type



alias of Export

order_by(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an ordered Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().order_by(...). See koordinates.base.Query.order_by().


Validates an Export.


export (Export) –

Return type


class koordinates.exports.Export(**kwargs)

An export is a request to extract data from a Koordinates site into an archive for downloading


>>> export = koordinates.Export()
>>> export.crs = "EPSG:4326"
>>> export.formats = {
        "vector": "application/x-zipped-shp"
>>> export.add_item(layer)
>>> client.exports.create(export)
add_item(item, **options)

Add a layer or table item to the export.


item (Layer|Table) – The Layer or Table to add

Return type



Cancel the export processing

download(path, progress_callback=None, chunk_size=1048576)

Download the export archive.


If you pass this function an open file-like object as the path parameter, the function will not close that file for you.

If a path parameter is a directory, this function will use the Export name to determine the name of the file (returned). If the calculated download file path already exists, this function will raise a DownloadError.

You can also specify the filename as a string. This will be passed to the built-in open() and we will read the content into the file.

Instead, if you want to manage the file object yourself, you need to provide either a io.BytesIO object or a file opened with the ‘b’ flag. See the two examples below for more details.

  • path – Either a string with the path to the location to save the response content, or a file-like object expecting bytes.

  • progress_callback (function) – An optional callback function which receives upload progress notifications. The function should take two arguments: the number of bytes recieved, and the total number of bytes to recieve.

  • chunk_size (int) – Chunk size in bytes for streaming large downloads and progress reporting. 1MB by default

:returns The name of the automatic filename that would be used. :rtype: str


Refresh this model from the server.

Updates attributes with the server-defined values. This is useful where the Model instance came from a partial response (eg. a list query) and additional details are required.

Existing attribute values will be overwritten.

class koordinates.exports.ExportValidationResponse(**kwargs)

Repsonse returned by Export validation requests.

class koordinates.exports.CropLayerManager(client)

Bases: koordinates.base.Manager

Accessor for querying Crop Layers.

Access via the exports.croplayers property of a koordinates.client.Client instance.

expand(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an expanded Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().expand(). Using expansions may have significant performance implications for some API requests. See koordinates.base.Query.expand().

filter(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a filtered Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().filter(...). See koordinates.base.Query.filter().

get(id, expand=[])

Fetches a Model instance determined by the value of id.


id – numeric ID for the Model.

get_feature(croplayer_id, cropfeature_id)

Gets a crop feature

  • croplayer_id (int) – ID of a cropping layer

  • cropfeature_id (int) – ID of a cropping feature

Return type



Fetches a set of model objects

Return type



alias of CropLayer

order_by(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an ordered Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().order_by(...). See koordinates.base.Query.order_by().

class koordinates.exports.CropLayer(**kwargs)

A crop layer provides features that can be used to crop exports to a geographic extent.


Gets a crop feature


cropfeature_id (int) – ID of a cropping feature

Return type



Refresh this model from the server.

Updates attributes with the server-defined values. This is useful where the Model instance came from a partial response (eg. a list query) and additional details are required.

Existing attribute values will be overwritten.

class koordinates.exports.CropFeatureManager(client)

Accessor for querying Crop Features.

expand(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an expanded Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().expand(). Using expansions may have significant performance implications for some API requests. See koordinates.base.Query.expand().

filter(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a filtered Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().filter(...). See koordinates.base.Query.filter().

get(id, expand=[])

Fetches a Model instance determined by the value of id.


id – numeric ID for the Model.


Fetches a set of model objects

Return type



alias of CropFeature

order_by(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an ordered Query view of the model objects. Equivalent to calling .list().order_by(...). See koordinates.base.Query.order_by().

class koordinates.exports.CropFeature(**kwargs)

A crop feature provides complex pre-defined geographic extents for cropping and clipping Exports.


Refresh this model from the server.

Updates attributes with the server-defined values. This is useful where the Model instance came from a partial response (eg. a list query) and additional details are required.

Existing attribute values will be overwritten.